
Sadly, there are a lot of people who claim to be Christians today but lack Christ as their head.  Like sports team mascots, they claim to represent and be hidden with Christ, but they never put on the big head of the costume that completes the outfit.  They think they can have all the benefits of an ambassadorial position while living by their own head as their ultimate authority. 

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How We Wander Home

Many people have lives that appear well put together, organized by the rhythms of education, recreation, occupation, vacation, family, retirement, etc. They do not appear to be "wandering." However, their hearts have only ever known the wilderness. They wander far from the home for which God made them.

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Rome International Church
Burdens that Blind

Although it is good to help one another with tangible needs (food, clothing, shelter). Only Christians are uniquely equipped to minister the gospel to sinful hearts. That is where the real needs are found because sin is everyone's greatest problem.

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Rome International Church
More in Store

Last Wednesday, we heard that my uncle Dan had passed away suddenly from a heart attack while working on his farm. Although his family was near when it happened, nothing could be done. In the days since I have watched my family grieve deeply.

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Rome International Church
Every Man a Teacher of the Word

Ezra was not a celebrity pastor.  He didn't have millions of followers, or a megachurch built on his attractive personality, contemporary clothing, style, or feel-good sermons…God who favored him for his love of the law and king Artaxerxes who recognized in Ezra his ability to know and execute God's ways.

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Rome International Church
A Christmas Prequel: How Malachi Foreshadows the Local Church

If you have done any Bible readings this Christmas about the coming of Jesus in the Old Testament, you must always include the short letter of Malachi.  In four short chapters, he diagnoses the sinful hearts of the priests who have led the people of God astray.  Their worship is polluted, they don't teach God's ways, they abandon God's covenant, and they refuse to give their hearts to God. 

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Rome International Church
Advent Assurance

The self-centered pop singer blatantly admits, "Every time I close my eyes, I see my name in shining lights." You and I were designed to open our eyes and behold the glorious revelation of the Light of God in the Light of the Son.

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Rome International Church
Are You Evangelical?

For many, evangelical means something politically, religiously, or even stereotypically.  However, for those who have heard the good new that the righteous God has made sinners right with him through faith in his Son, 'evangelical' becomes so much more. 

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Rome International Church
Are You Reformed?

What happened to him was an internal transformation of understanding and love for God. Something unlike his aesthetic piety and monastic practices had brought him. A profoundly religious laborer for God as a monk, he struggled to find peace with the Lord.

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Rome International Church