Local Church Leadership: Elders
"Elders are God's plan for leading his church." Jeremy Rinne has written a short book on the job description of an elder for "members and leaders (to) unify around a biblical vision for ministry and leadership in the local church." It is helpful to know that local church Elders are NOT…
Dear Friends,
Several years ago, we planted trees in our yard. One of them was a fig tree. It stood as a stick in the ground for two years, only ever growing three leaves.
No fruit, no growth, nothing.
It looked awful and was taking up space…
True repentance
When you became a Christian, you repented of your sin and trusted in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Sin continues to be a part of your life, but do you practice repentance and trusting Jesus as your Lord and Savior now?
Know that I am the Lord
Ezekiel is a wild book of the Bible. In the beginning, God gives the prophet Ezekiel some wild visions that are hard to understand. Then, he concludes with an extensive and detailed vision of a temple. In the middle are loads of prophecies about destruction and some restoration. The book is graphic and detailed, yet it leads many to speculate about its meaning.
All to Maturity, Many to Leadership
There is no building in Rome with the capacity to hold the number of people in this city that need to hear the gospel and submit to the reign and rule of Jesus Christ.
God Among Us: The Pacifier of Anxiety
This morning, I began my prayer time with the Lord, burdened by ministry plans, "what ifs," and "maybes."
For This Child I Prayed
Samuel lived during a time of rampant corruption among the adults surrounding him. He seems to have been unique among his peers as well.
The Story of the World
Seeing the Scriptures in light of God's grand narrative is one way we can fall deeper in love with Him while growing in knowledge of his character and goodness.
Know, Believe, Understand
Deep hope is described for the hurting and wounded soul (42:3). . .These descriptions repeat over and over in poetic beauty that grips the soul with wonder and fills it with glorious joy!
You Can Do Nothing
A common feeling that arises among international residents of Rome is that of defeat. . .The struggles of language, relationships, traffic, and the lack of convenience are not unfamiliar to most.
Works of Faith
Last Sunday, I concluded our text with a list of "works of faith" that we, as a church, might endeavor to accomplish through the power of God.
Prepare Through Prayer
The church is a community of changed people, from sinners condemned under the law of God to saints made righteous by the grace of God.
A Great City
"Men did not love Rome because she was great. She was great because they had loved her."
4 Prayers for Heart Preparation
I believe these simple but profound petitions will prepare our hearts well for the coming year.
Elders, Restoration, and Final Authority
This statement of faith is not the totality of our convictions regarding truth, morality, or right conduct.
Baptism, The Lord's Supper, and Marriage
At RIC we practice the ordinances of baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and marriage.
Salvation, The Future, and The Church
The mission of the church is to prepare for Jesus’ return by leading people to Christ and helping them mature in the faith.
The Holy Spirit & Man
The Holy Spirit manifests the presence of God as He executes His will in the world. He convicts the world of sin, and persuades people to repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord.
The Father & The Son
Jesus Christ is both the eternal Son of God and virgin-born Son of man. Fully God and fully man…
The Bible & God
The Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired of God, error-free in the original writings, and the supreme authority of faith and practice for the believer in Jesus Christ.