Local Church Leadership: Elders


"Elders are God's plan for leading his church." 

Jeremy Rinne has written a short book on the job description of an elder for "members and leaders (to) unify around a biblical vision for ministry and leadership in the local church." It is helpful to know that local church Elders are NOT:

  • Administering a school, running a company, commanding a warship, managing a project, directing operations, overseeing subcontractors, serving on a board of trustees.

Elders are servant leaders that shepherd a local church through prayer and the ministry of the Word. He is God's steward: one who butlers the Lord's household, keeping order through right teaching and right living. The design of elders follows the design of men to lead in the gospel according to Christ-like character. 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 give us the following character qualities:

  • above reproach, sober minded, self-controlled, respectable, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money, not arrogant, hospitable, a lover of good, upright, holy, disciplined, not quick-tempered.

I believe God's desire for the men of RIC reflects Rinne's prayer, that "spiritually lethargic, pew-warming Christian men might...experience an awakening desire to shepherd their families and churches." 

Men, God is calling each of us to maturity in Christ, all of us to leadership in the gospel, and some of us to Eldership in the local church. Would you join me for a 10-week journey to grow as men who lead in the gospel?

Sign up here: https://forms.gle/PK7L8uWaNyjtbaU97

Together for his Church,


