Rome International Church is completely supported by financial gifts.
Please consider supporting the spread of the Gospel as we disciple diverse people in Rome and beyond.
Make an Impact
Titus 3:13-14
Give in USD
Tax Deductible gifts in USD
Make Check out to “IBCM”
Send to: PO Box 833276 Richardson, TX 75083
Please make sure to designate your giving to Rome International Church.
Or Give Online through the link below
Give directly to RIC in USD
(non-tax deductible)
Community Federal Savings Bank
Routing number: 026073150
Account number: 8311286479
Account type: Checking
Address: 89-16 Jamaica Ave
Woodhaven NY 11421
United States
Give in Euros
European Bank in EURO
IBAN: BE76 9672 3596 5495
Address: Avenue Louise 54, Room S52
Brussels 1050 Belgium