The Story of the World
The Story of the World
I am (slowly) reading The Lord of the Rings (LOTR) to my children. Although it is a fantastic fantasy story, there are a lot of details to pay attention to. Much of the plot of LOTR is based on an ancient world where civilizations have risen and fallen. Old languages, battles, cultures, and creatures are kept in memory through songs and poems and passed on by timeless characters who are now few and far between. The trilogy is set in the final climax, centering on the main character in the act of decision and action. Will he succeed? Will there be a dissipation of the tension toward resolution?
Story writers agree that good stories include exposition that provides background information, setting, and character introductions. Then, there is rising action, an event storytellers call "inciting incident - the triggering event that puts the main events of the story into motion." Eventually, the story would rise to a climax. Here, "subplots and characters converge." The main character makes an important choice, which leads to the falling action. Due to the protagonist's actions, "conflict gives way to resolution." The resolution closes the narrative arc and "shows how the story's events have changed the characters and the world around them."
This Friday and Saturday, we will look at the story of Scripture as one grand narrative that includes all of the elements of a good story. The Bible spans the ages of history, bridging peoples and cultures from the ancient Near East to the Roman Empire to today and beyond. For Christians, this is not just the most incredible story ever told; the story of our world and what God is doing in it. Seeing the Scriptures in light of God's grand narrative is one way we can fall deeper in love with Him while growing in knowledge of his character and goodness.
Please join us this Friday and Saturday for our Discipleship Intensive. If you are a member of RIC, lead a small group, help with children's ministry, or want to grow in your ability to handle the Scriptures, please consider joining us for this free event. Time together in God's Word is where we grow!
You can register here:
Together in God's story,