For This Child I Prayed
For This Child I Prayed
For most families, school has begun. With it comes a bundle of emotions: excitement and fear, fun and work. Time becomes structured with scheduled weekdays and plans for weekends. The practice of relating to institutions (work, school) and people (co-workers, classmates, teachers, bosses) reminds us that the world is larger than our home.
Sunday mornings have had us reflecting on Hannah in the early chapters of 1 Samuel. What a woman of faith who prayed for a child, vowing to give that child to the Lord. God answered her prayer, and Hannah fulfilled her vow. Can you imagine the moment she dropped young Samuel off at the temple? She wouldn't pick him up after school but only saw him once a year! Yet, God honored Hannah's dedication and had plans for Samuel. God gave Samuel his Word to be given to the people of Israel.
As a parent, I've given my children to the Lord, believing they are in better hands than mine. Samuel lived during a time of rampant corruption among the adults surrounding him. He seems to have been unique among his peers as well. How God preserves those he has set apart for himself! As church members, we noted the joyful privilege we have to love, nurture, instruct, and model godliness for the children in our midst. I wanted to share the words of our commitment that we repeated:
“We will endeavor to bring up
such as may at any time be under our care, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, And by a pure and loving example to seek the salvation of our family and Friends.”
On September 29, we will resume our 9:30am Sunday School for our children. Would you pray for this time and the salvation of our children? May God assure you of his strong hand in drawing hearts to himself and raising up leaders for his church now for the next generation.
Together for God's Kingdom,