Prepare Through Prayer
Prepare Through Prayer
Dear Church,
Knowing that school, work, and routines are on the horizon, I have been thinking about the God-glorifying reality of change. Change is a key term in our community. Most of us have faced changes in our surroundings, language, culture, and community. But there is one great change that unites us beyond that common experience.
The church is a community of changed people, from sinners condemned under the law of God to saints made righteous by the grace of God. We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of God's Son, the kingdom of light. We are the local church, the body of Jesus Christ, by faith in his life, death, and resurrection. We are filled with the Holy Spirit and live in submission to the Word of God. This change is core to our identity.
Psalm 104 is an exposition of God's sovereign goodness in the seasons of creation. Behind every visible change in creation, moon, sun, plants, and animals, God's hand is at work setting the four seasons of weather, growth, and hibernation, plenty and want.
As we prepare for another season in the life of RIC, I would have us prepare through prayer.
How would he have us serve our neighbors and share his gospel?
What means will he give us to do the work?
How will you be faithful to make disciples?
How will you grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus?
Who will you endeavor alongside in that growth?
Praying with you in the coming season,