4 Prayers for Heart Preparation
4 Prayers
for Heart Preparation
Dear Church,
It is good to be back in Rome after being away for six and a half weeks! Our time in the US was good; we were busy, but it was good. We traveled over 5000 miles, slept in 15 beds, and shared with 12 churches/pastors about the work in Rome in 7 different states. In between, we could enjoy time with both of our families.
It is August, and we look forward to welcoming new families arriving in Rome. Even so, I know that many of us are taking valuable vacation time. This can make for a disjointed time in the church. So, what should we think about this time? Can we abandon church life (even spiritual life) until vacation is over? Here are my thoughts:
This is an excellent time to pray. Let's dedicate this time to praying while we aren't in our hurried, busy schedules. Over four weeks, I'll lead us in four prayers for heart preparation.
4 Prayers for Heart Preparation:
Satisfy us... with your steadfast love - Psalm 90:14
Open my eyes to behold wondrous things in your law - Psalm 119:18
Incline our hearts to your testimonies - Psalm 119:36
Unite my heart to fear your name - Psalm 86:11
I believe these simple but profound petitions will prepare our hearts well for the coming year. If we can practice praying these prayers, we will enter the school year humble and ready for the Word of God to work in our personal lives and in the corporate life of the church.
Praying with you,