There's Nothing Missing
The trouble with both of these lines of thinking is that we place on ourselves the danger of obligation that can lead to drudgery and guilt. As if the local church were missing 'walls' because someone refuses to participate to a sufficient degree.
The Church Address
So, here we are, in Rome. It's September 2022. God is forming his church through the gospel of Jesus Christ. And what a miraculous surprise, that you and I get to join him in sharing that good news together! I am eagerly looking forward to entering this season with you all to see how Jesus will lead us in loving him as he builds his church.
That's It?
This can be the picture we imagine as believers called to share the good news, especially here, where many of us are living cross-culturally. In our mind's eye and to our ears we look like Buddy the Elf in New York City belting, "God loves you! He loves you! He LOOOOVES YOU!!!" Fully expecting everyone to say, "That's it? That was weird."
A Home for His People
This summer I stood before seven different congregations in four different states to tell them about you. Well, about God really, and the church he is building in Rome. That's you!
Continued Growth
The Lord has always been building his church. This summer, we will prove his sustaining grace, his empowering strength, and his generous provision.
Lists of People
Did you know that God keeps a list of those who are his? “And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done.” - Revelation 20:12
All About It
Have you ever thought, "I won't be here long enough to make a disciple, or baptize, or really do a good job helping someone obey Jesus". I've heard this out of my own mouth! It sounded like this: "Shouldn't sharing about Jesus be relational? Build relationships over time so as to lead someone to Jesus organically."
Form a Prayer Plan
What a funny irony that we who were dead in our sins and transgressions would live as if God were just a safety net. As if only when our strength is exhausted, our schemes are foiled, plans fail, stuff doesn't work, or people unexpectedly hurt us, do we turn to him and ask for an assist.
A City in a City
We ought to be living righteous lives so that people will notice and God will be glorified. My neighbors may be drawn to Jesus through my good works
When Disagreements Arise
Sharp disagreements make many of us really uncomfortable. Others of us are perhaps too comfortable with disagreements. Either way, without a good perspective on the ultimate mission and purpose of God, disagreements can divert our focus away from what truly matters.
Generous Extension of Care
God is building his church here in Rome. The gates of Hell will not overcome it. We are called to makes disciples. Jesus is with us everywhere we go, forever. These truths bolster our faith, drive us forward into the night for the cause of Christ, making us zealous for good works.
He is Risen Indeed!
This is the church! Filled with the Spirit, to proclaim the risen Jesus, to love him, to worship him, and to look forward to his return.
Face Like Flint
Jesus set his face like flint toward the cross. He was so convinced of his Father's help, presence, vindication and the eternal ramification of his obedience that the mission was his only view. Forward toward the cross. What astounds me is that in the path of his mission, he served, he loved, he cared, he healed, he preached, he taught. All that he did was in view of that purpose for which he came. Singular focus on the mission of God didn't make him cold, unfeeling, or unapproachable. Instead, he is the most attractive 'character' in all of history.
Sacred Raisin Cakes
While we are blind to the ugliness of our ongoing sin, he is loving us perfectly, coming to us in our sin and bringing us to the Father, making us righteous in Christ, pure in Christ, made right in Christ. Little by little, his tender grace brings to light the next sin to be dealt with.
Reaching Into Eternity
“The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell. For Christians, this present life is the closest they will come to Hell. For unbelievers, it is the closest they will come to Heaven.” ― Randy Alcorn, Heaven
Hot Displeasure
“For I was afraid of the anger and hot displeasure that the Lord bore against you, so that he was ready to destroy you. But the Lord listened to me that time also.” - Deuteronomy 9:19
Knowing Our International Community
It's March! In the International community, that means we are staring down the final stretch to summer when many of us will leave. Some of us return "home", others move to a new country, regardless, the good-byes are coming. Thankfully, many of us will reunite at the end of summer. So, what I'm going to share today is going to be really hard to put our hearts into, but I believe it remains crucial as gospel-driven believers living in the lost and broken world that needs hope in Jesus (no matter where we're going next).
What’s the End Goal?
I remember my pastor telling me as a teenager that we tend to disciple others the way that we were discipled. Unfortunately, many of us, after placing our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior just had to figure it out. Even when discipled, the end goal was vague if not unappealing. Although I had many wonderful, godly people in my young life as a believer, I often struggled to know if I was truly growing in Christ. So, it has been on my heart to help you know where you are in your walk with Christ and to help you know how to mature in him. This week, we are reading Colossians in our Bible Reading Plan. There, Paul gives us great insight into this process of maturity in Colossians 1:24-2:5.
When Bad News Comes
This year, I made the decision to subscribe to both an American and an Italian news source. My intention was to become more aware of what is going on in the world through reputable sources. This has meant living with less ignorance, but facing a daily report on what awful thing(s) have happened since I last checked. In the past week the world has watched as Russia mounted its attack on Ukraine. This is bad news. Bad news for Ukraine and it's citizens. This is bad news for world economies. This is bad news for gas prices. But this is also bad news on a personal level. People we know and love are having to leave their homes or required to stay. Others who are choosing to stay and help.
What Does True Love Look Like?
Last Sunday Pastor Loren preached through Mark 9:2-13. He said that our life trajectory looks like humbling ourselves. What if each mile marker in our life Jesus is asking us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him?