Generous Extension of Care
Extension of Care
A sub-plot to the book of Acts is the famine in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the epicenter of the Jesus movement, where he dies and is resurrected, the Spirit is poured out on his followers and the gospel explodes into thousands of believers. As it spreads to surrounding cities, then throughout the Roman empire, new churches are moved to give to alleviate the hungry saints in Jerusalem. Paul collects these gifts and takes them there. A principle of Christian living is found here: Generous Extension of Care for other believers. Galatians 6:9–10 puts this principle very clearly:
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. ”
Doing good to others, out of a Spirit-filled love, especially our Christian brothers and sisters speaks powerfully to the world around us. It is evidence of a transformation in us that could only have occurred by a supernatural means. Paul, quoting Psalm 53 says in Romans 3:12, that before our life in Christ, we were powerless to do anything good:
“All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
Through the extended body of Christ, we are able to do and experience more than we ever could alone. This past week was impactful for me in many ways. As you have heard and seen, four members of our sending church in the USA came to help, encourage and participate with Rome International Church. Alaina and I were moved to tears more than once by their outpouring of generosity and genuine care for us, whom they have supported for many years, and for you, whom they had never met. Then, last Thursday, I joined more than 20 other pastors and missionaries here in Rome to share what God has been doing in our churches and how he is leading us to make disciples and plant churches. There were Italians, Americans, Chinese-speaking missionaries, Romanians, Hondurans, Brazilians, and more prayerfully pursuing this city with the gospel of Jesus.
God is building his church here in Rome. The gates of Hell will not overcome it. We are called to makes disciples. Jesus is with us everywhere we go, forever. These truths bolster our faith, drive us forward into the night for the cause of Christ, making us zealous for good works.
When we apply these things to the church, I see another practical building block arise. These good works are to be carried by through the administration and organization of dedicated men in our church. As the apostles dedicated themselves to prayer and preaching, men who were known to be filled with the Spirit were selected by the believers to the task of administering and organizing the care of the saints. Acts 6:1-7.
Church, as we grow, would you pray for these men, whom God may set aside for this task at RIC?
RIC has a bright future ahead of it and I am really enjoying our present. Thank you for your love for one another and eagerness to grow in the knowledge and grace of Jesus.
Together for his Kingdom,