Form a Prayer Plan

Form a

Prayer Plan

Have you ever heard someone pray and thought, "I wish I could talk with God like that"? I can think of two individuals that I've sat down and prayed with who make me want to pray. As Christians who are told to 'pray continually', how are you doing?

Sophomore year of high school I sustained two operations and an injury over two months. I remember the first, I was on the basketball team and the inside of my quad above the knee began to be very painful. So much so that I couldn't bend my leg without cringing. I had just made the basketball team but soon could not practice without difficulty. When I came to my basketball coach, I expected a 'suck it up' answer or may be a recommendation to see the doctor, but neither happened. His first move was to stop the conversation, and pray for my leg. He prayed for healing, he prayed for a solution, he brought the situation and the concern to the Lord. Afterward he handed me a knee brace from the storage closet and recommended I see a doctor. I played two games that year after an operation on my leg. Then I rolled my ankle so badly that I was out for the rest of the season. Ultimately, my basketball career only declined from there, but what my coach taught me about prayer remains vivid, albeit often forgotten in the moments it ought to be remembered.

Fret continually, stress continually, work, play, do, continually. These descriptors fit me better. My default habits make prayer an afterthought or even a 'no-thought'.

What a funny irony that we who were dead in our sins and transgressions would live as if God were just a safety net. As if only when our strength is exhausted, our schemes are foiled, plans fail, stuff doesn't work, or people unexpectedly hurt us, do we turn to him and ask for an assist.

For men and women who have died to ourselves and live only in Christ, every labor becomes joyful dependence on God's strength and will. Every new day with all its new challenges is an opportunity to surrender to the sovereign and good will of God. Sing with me...

What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!

Can I encourage you to form a Prayer Plan?

  • Prayer Time - When will you pray? Before bed, first thing in the morning, midnight. Make it happen. The Lord is worth the time to be with him.

  • Prayer Place - Where will you pray? Quiet corner, on the street, commuting, closet. Where can you make work?

  • Prayer Partner - Who will you pray with? A spouse, friend, co-worker, son, daughter, parent? Ask the Lord who might pray with you.

  • Prayer Program - What will you pray? Psalms, recommendations and requests from this newsletter, The Lord's prayer?

Praying for you,


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