A City in a City

A City

in a City

As you drop into the San Luis Valley from La Veta pass at night, you will see hundreds of lights. It's a beautiful sight, really, and it gives the impression (optical illusion) that there must be a large population that occupies the valley floor. However, when you enter the same valley during the day you will immediately realize that virtually no one lives or could live in such a dry and seemingly desolate place. This Colorado landscape hosts magnificent views of the Sangre de Cristo and SanJuan mountain ranges, the Great Sand Dunes National Monument, and, weirdly, one of the largest alligator farms outside of Florida (that's another story). What the valley is not known for is its plethora of people. You see, the nighttime optical illusion comes from a horizontal view of a few small towns and then farms, storage units that house crops, along with various other buildings used in agriculture.

This week I heard Tim Keller point out a wonderful truth in the following passage:

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
— Matthew 5:14–16

We ought to be living righteous lives so that people will notice and God will be glorified. My neighbors may be drawn to Jesus through my good works. Although true, and good that you, individual Christian should be living righteously and yes, others will notice, there is a collective truth more basic and more poignant to what Jesus is saying.

You all are the light of the world. Together you make up a city. One that has an economy in an economy, neighbors within neighborhoods, gathering within a gathered populace. The 'you' of the text in Greek should be more accurately translated like the speech of an American from the US southern states, "Y'all are the light of the world".

Operating our spiritual lives as individuals stretched across the landscape, living independently of one another, we create an optical illusion that really only fools ourselves. In the darkness, the light is undeniable, but it is not the same brilliance depicted by Jesus when he says that together, we are a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Sure, we independently shine like stars in the darkness, but Jesus intends those stars to be in community with one another becoming a bright city within a city of darkness.

If you were to spiritually flick the lights on over the city you live in, where would you be found, spiritually speaking? United with other believers within a 'city' that shines brightly in a city that is shrouded in darkness? Or as a lone, individual shining, but practically independent of other light shiners?

A city within a city. God's city of his people operate on an economy of grace, everyone is equal under the love of Christ and is so treated, all have sinned and need a Savior, so there is no one more righteous than another, but equally enjoy God's redemption. The same Spirit is given to all, and so all minister to one another by his strength. His word is equally available and sets the standard of truth for the city to believe and obey. This city is both now and not yet. Seen in the church today and yet to be seen at the marriage of the Lamb. What a joy to know that we have citizenship in this city. What a confidence to participate in this spiritual society for our good, the good of others, and the glory of God!

No matter what geographic city we may find ourselves in, may we grow in our participation together in this city called the local church. As his people shine brightly, may we ready ourselves to welcome those he will bring into his city. Thank you for being my fellow citizens in God's church.

May his Kingdom come,


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