A Home for His People
A Home
for His People.
““For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.””
This summer I stood before seven different congregations in four different states to tell them about you. Well, about God really, and the church he is building in Rome. That's you! It was a small (tiny) glimpse into the yearning Paul felt when he wrote to the Philippians. Sometimes I was moved to tears when I talked about how I've watched God forming Christ in you.
July 23 marked five years since we left the US to serve RIC as church planters/pastor. It has been a journey for us learning to trust that God would make a home for his people in Rome where his grace would be known. Today, I thank God for you and all that he's taught us over the years. You are all a part of the place that we presently call home. Our church family.
It's still summer! School is coming, but we're going to squeeze the most out of the last weeks. In the meantime, we look forward to gathering for Welcome Sunday on September 4. That's our big, welcome back or welcome to Rome Sunday when we look forward to kicking off the Fall together.