Posts in Gospel Culture
What’s the End Goal?

I remember my pastor telling me as a teenager that we tend to disciple others the way that we were discipled. Unfortunately, many of us, after placing our faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior just had to figure it out. Even when discipled, the end goal was vague if not unappealing. Although I had many wonderful, godly people in my young life as a believer, I often struggled to know if I was truly growing in Christ. So, it has been on my heart to help you know where you are in your walk with Christ and to help you know how to mature in him. This week, we are reading Colossians in our Bible Reading Plan. There, Paul gives us great insight into this process of maturity in Colossians 1:24-2:5.

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Together to Topple Darkness

When a child is born, parents tend to dream of what the child's future will look like. What will they become? Who will they marry? What will they do? Jesus' parents were no different. Except, his parents anticipated a great and glorious future for him because, unlike most children, the future of Jesus was foretold and eagerly anticipated for hundreds (thousands) of years! Even before he was born, his mother was given insider information on who this miracle child was and what he would do!

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