Faith & Growth: We're All Needy

Faith & Growth:

We’re All Needy

Let me share something about myself that has been difficult for me to talk about.

I'm a needy person.

There, I said it... or rather... typed it. But it's true. Truer than I really want to talk about. Actually, I'd prefer to be known and sought after because I'm competent and strong to meet other's needs. But, I have to begin here, with being needy.

The greatest spiritual warriors in Scripture were needy. I just finished the story of Elijah. God sent fire from heaven to torch his sopping wet sacrifice into a charred section of Mt. Carmel in front of all Israel. Then musters his kinsmen in their renewed faith to slaughter the 450 prophets of the god Baal. After which, he girds his loins and hoofs it in the rain faster than a chariot back to town! He had to have been feeling great...

But, Queen Jezebel issues the threat, "I'm going to kill you like you killed my prophets."

Elijah panics and flees to the wilderness where he crawls under a tree and weeps. He feels alone, abandoned and terrified. Why? Didn't he just see God do the impossible?

He's a needy person. No matter how God may have used him for his glory, Elijah was still a needy person. What a blessing to have that scene recorded for us who are just as weak and susceptible to fear. We face threats (real and perceived) to our well-being, all in the face of a world that worships anything other than God.

We are needy people. Always in need of God, and always in need of other believers. It is probably a life-long process, but I'm (slowly) learning that I'm (always) needy and be ok with that. I'll never advance so far in my faith that I no longer need God or my brothers in Christ. And that's what faith is... growing in my trust that he will be enough for my needy self tomorrow and for eternity.

  • In what ways have you seen your own neediness?

  • Why do you think God made us needy people?

  • Who have you been able to admit your neediness to lately? How did they respond?

[These stories of Elijah can be found in 1 Kings 18:20-19:8]


Needy People Are Needed People


Priorities: What should I do first?