Priorities: What should I do first?


What should I do first?

What should I do first?

This question so often eats at the back of my mind when approaching a new day.  Priority has always been a struggle for me, so it seems like I end up doing everything at once, doing nothing well, and finishing everything late.

Although I've read a number of books on personal efficiency, my mental wiring remains the same.  So often, especially living in Italy, priority can seem useless when everyday tasks can seem like impenetrable walls. Our dedicated time and effort can some times end up seeming pointless.

Our memory verse this week is Proverbs 3:5-7 which says:  “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.”

Do you think may be personal efficiency isn't what God wants from us so much as our trust in him?  How often do we begin our days and our sentences with "By God's grace..."?  The Psalmist was clear in his attribution to God:

29  For by you I can run against a troop, 

and by my God I can leap over a wall. 

Psalm 18:29

What walls are you facing today?

  • Traffic, bureaucracy, homework?

  • Marriage, parenting, family dynamics?

  • One-time projects/duties that promise relief if they could just be over?

What would it look like to make trusting God as your first priority, the foundation of everything else that will happen today?

Then, once on the other side of your "walls".  We won't have to pine for applause, approval, or acclaim. But we can say, "By God's grace, from start to finish, he saw me over that wall and he will see me over the next."


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