It's Alive!

The Church:

It’s alive!

While we sang, listened to the Word, ate cornetti and eased into our afternoon, I saw the body move. Then, as we gathered and setup for dinner, ate, conversed and cleaned up, it happened again.

Frankenstein was a body comprised of various parts from various 'donors'. Sown together by a mad scientist and shocked to life by lightning. His story is a terrible comparison for the church, because it lacks all the beauty and wonder of God's character and grace. But, we are, by God's divine and perfect creativity a composition of very different parts. Yet, God by his grace working in and through us is bringing life to this local, visible body of believers.

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them...
— Romans 12:6

Last Sunday, we quietly watched a milestone pass by. A milestone of God's grace exhibited in the life of RIC. His grace brought people. His grace was given one to another. His grace built up the hearts of his people. I am the beneficiary of that grace at work in you.

I thank God for each of you.

  • Thank you God for a new treasurer, bookkeeper and administrator!

  • Thank you God for volunteers who set-up and clean-up!

  • Thank you God for church members who commit to caring for one another for the glory of God and the making of disciples!

  • Thank you God for building your church and allowing us to participate in your kingdom coming.

Where have you seen the body at work this week?

How is God asking you to extend his grace to someone this week?


Found in the Word


The Community Without Us