Testimony: Share It


Share It

The stories we tell shape our community life and culture.

Today, I thought I would briefly share my story:

God placed me in a family that has a rich heritage of Jesus-followers. My story begins when Jesus called my father and mother away from farming to flying. They trusted him to provide as they sold everything they had and left for the mission field. I grew up watching their faith and the faith of other missionaries, but Jesus met me through another story, far removed from the jungle where I was growing up.

I read a story about a young pastor who traded his television for time with the Lord. Consequently, the Lord led him to share the gospel with drug-addicted, desperate teenagers who ruled the streets of New York through violence. I began to see myself, my sin in the stories of those teenagers. Although not a drug-addicted, violent criminal, the same disease of sin was very much present in my heart. Jesus gradually revealed to me the depth of my sin and my need for a Savior, I became embarrassed by my words and actions that clearly showed how I loved myself and no one else.

The Bible my parents gave me became key in my understanding of Jesus. I would flip it open, read a page, then write down the reference in a notebook. Over time, this became my spiritual journal that chronicled my walk with Jesus. As I read of God's heart for the nations, his love in the sacrifice of Jesus, and man's hope in Christ's resurrection, my heart began to break for those who did not know Jesus. Scripture began to give me vocabulary to talk about him with others. He brought men into my life who saw what God was doing and they mentored me, discipled me, and equipped me to better lead others to Jesus.

Today, I can confidently say that Jesus has lovingly determined my steps and I would not be here, pastoring if Jesus had not saved me and called me to this. By his grace, I'm not a farmer or pilot like my dad, or even a drug-addicted, violent teenager, instead I am a child of God who is discovering how glorious his grace is and how wonderful it is to know him.

  • What's your story? I would love to hear how God is meeting you, teaching you, changing your heart for him and those around you.

  • Try writing it down, telling it to a close friend, spouse or sibling.

  • Ask this question of your story, "Who gets the glory in my life story?"

  • Would you even be willing to share it with us? You can reply to this message, set up a time to meet or just grab us after church one Sunday.

Our stories give shape to the central focus of our church community. When the center is defined (Jesus) the culture grows around his grace, his love, his expectations, and his mission.


Your Story: Tell It


Grace: Be Strengthened by It