Honor: Outdo One Another



Outdo One Another

Spiritual gift inventory tests can be helpful in understanding how God tends to work in or through you.  But they are usually not the best way to discover how God is currently using you in the life of his church.

In Romans 12, Paul gives the church in Rome a long list of imperatives (commands to do these things).  Today, I want to highlight one of those commands:

10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. - Romans 12:10.

I know...that's two commands, but they go together.  When each individual is loving one another with brotherly affection, showing honor is the acknowledgement of that brotherly affection that has been witnessed.  So when we honor one another, we are pointing out and celebrating the love of Christ that one of our brothers or sisters has expressed, especially when we have benefitted from their love.  This goes well beyond thankfulness or praise for someone's good work.  It is an element of the church's culture.  Brothers and sisters taking time to tell each other what they have meant to them in their walk with God.  Like this...

Many of you know Karen Falkner.  This is a woman of God that I need to honor.  Did you know that she has been serving as Treasurer for RIC for the past 3 years?  She'll tell you that this was not her strength.  However, by God's grace, she served RIC in this way for so long out of God's love in her.  She has cared for the organization and integrity of the church faithfully.  Many times, her service has been instrumental in keeping the doors of the church open!

Thank you Karen!  God's church has been built by your willingness to be used by him in this way.

RIC, as we continue to gather and grow in our familiarity and love for one another, look for ways to honor one another.  Especially as we serve one another, worship together and take on the tasks of church life

  • Keep your eyes open for words and actions that build up the body. Tell that person what you've seen and encourage them that God is using them.


Gentleness: Let Your Reasonableness Be Known to Everyone


Honesty: A Place Where Everyone Is Truly Known by Someone.