Gentleness: Let Your Reasonableness Be Known to Everyone



Let Your Reasonableness Be Known to Everyone

Be Reasonable!...

I always thought I would make a great coach. What I lack in voice or sports knowledge, I make up for in intensity... I love the idea of digging down deep to develop endurance, training hard, going the distance while humming to Eye of the Tiger. [Plus I'm pretty good with a whistle]. It's because I can see the winning moment when all the hard work pays off.

As Christians, Jesus has called us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus (Mark 8:34). He who endures under trial will receive the crown of life (James 1:12). I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).

These super inspiring verses can drive us forward, but they can also create an underbelly of shame and pressure if we give into an attitude that smells of staunch legalism.
Last year, I took some time to ponder this verse:

Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand;

- Philippians 4:5

Reasonableness could mean logical, having sound judgement, even sensible.  But, in the greek this word is also translated gentleness.  Of all the wonderful markers of what godly followers of Jesus look like, I'll admit, I'm a pretty sad example of gentleness, even on my most logical days.  Which makes me ask

  • What do I expect of myself as a Christian?

  • What do I expect of other Christians?

The better question is probably:

  • What does God expect of us as Christians?

Has he treated us reasonably, with gentleness and patience when our sin deserves immediate judgement? He sure has!

What if we trusted that the Lord was present and at work in us and the brothers and sisters we worship with?  And what if that truth moved us toward marked gentleness?  What if our neighbors could see that we show reasonable compassion for one another because we know we are all in a process of putting sin to death and putting on the righteousness of Christ.

This is a beautiful element of gospel culture.  Let's see what opportunities present themselves at RIC for us to be gentle toward one another.

Rome International Church