Knowing Our International Community
Our international community.
It's March! In the International community, that means we are staring down the final stretch to summer when many of us will leave. Some of us return "home", others move to a new country, regardless, the good-byes are coming. Thankfully, many of us will reunite at the end of summer. So, what I'm going to share today is going to be really hard to put our hearts into, but I believe it remains crucial as gospel-driven believers living in the lost and broken world that needs hope in Jesus (no matter where we're going next).
In chapter 12 of Romans, Paul gives us his application to his previous 11 chapters exalting Jesus as supreme in the gospel of grace. He says,
“9 Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. 10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. 11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. 12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 13 Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”
Our church is to hold these qualities (and I think we really are growing in these!): genuine love, holding fast to what is good, brotherly affection, showing honor, zealous, fervent, serving the Lord, hopeful, patient, prayerful, generous, hospitable.
Each of the qualities and practices, especially those in verses 9-12 are Spirit-given qualities that manifest in the life of a believer that is following Jesus. If I asked you how you're doing in any one of these areas, you could give me a rating somewhere between 1 and 10 and say, "It's there!" At least to some degree. But verse 13 is where the internal practices and experiences become very practical.
God has planted Rome International Church among a particular community. In this community there are International schools, workplaces, gyms, bars, and streets where international individuals and families can be found integrating into life in Italy to various degrees. If we are to be salt and light where he has placed us, we must do our homework to know those whom he has called us to so that we can love our neighbors well and effectively share the gospel.
Contribute to the needs of the saints
You help make RIC an oasis of truth in a wind-tossed sea of relativity and self-determined truth. With few believers in our wider community, we need a place where believers can be reminded of the unchanging truths of God, meet with Spirit-filled believers who can remind one another of the foundation we have of God's Word
You provide for the needs of others when you give to the body your time, talents and treasures. Together we are able to meet the needs of one another and whomever the Lord would lead us to love.
You help us welcome the sojourner who comes in search of help. Who knows how many will arrive from Ukraine in the coming days or months. Because of the generosity of this church, we want to care especially for those who need the greatest help.
Seek to show hospitality
How do we seek to show hospitality? And how hard do we seek it?
As majority foreigners in a host country, be honest, we want to be hosted better. Italian bureaucracy and it's different culture can feel inhospitable. Oh well. As believers God did not send us to Rome to be hosted, but to seek to show hospitality. Joel and Amy Hardman had some great tips on Sunday for fostering relationships with a hospitable intent among Italians. (If you missed it, find it on our Facebook Page). To be honest with you, I don't always know how best to be hospitable to others when it seems like I'm struggling just to manage my own home.
But, when we're hospitable in God's strength, we tell others that "Jesus' love is so great, that we would rather stop and love you, even if I have plans to make, things to do and I'm just going to leave soon."
Can I ask you...
Pray together about how to engage others where we've not yet engaged as a church.
Ask the Lord how he would have us respond with generosity and hospitality to Ukrainian believers.
To consider how we, as a church, could engage our surrounding communities through generosity and hospitality?
Pray for direction and clarity as the Lord places us in the lives of others to share his gospel. May they turn to Jesus in faith and walk into eternal life with him.
Together for his Kingdom,