Advent Assurance
The self-centered pop singer blatantly admits, "Every time I close my eyes, I see my name in shining lights." You and I were designed to open our eyes and behold the glorious revelation of the Light of God in the Light of the Son.
The Glory of the Word: The Glory of Christmas
Consider this: the rim is what you may know of Jesus immediately, but through John's description, you see the eternal depth of his nature. In knee-buckling amazement, the scope of his power to speak into being all that exists washes over you.
Just As You Are Doing
Sunday evening, I was moved as I heard story after story of how significant RIC has been in the lives of those participating in this discipling community. The Lord is working through you to build one another up.
The Picture of Marriage
Marriage is the physical picture of Christ and his church…We love marriage because it leads us Jesus.
Are You Evangelical?
For many, evangelical means something politically, religiously, or even stereotypically. However, for those who have heard the good new that the righteous God has made sinners right with him through faith in his Son, 'evangelical' becomes so much more.
Are You Reformed?
What happened to him was an internal transformation of understanding and love for God. Something unlike his aesthetic piety and monastic practices had brought him. A profoundly religious laborer for God as a monk, he struggled to find peace with the Lord.
Candy, Costumes, and Confusion
In everything we do as Christians, we want to honor the Lord and thank the Lord because we live to the Lord…Celebrating Halloween or abstaining cannot be motivated by a selfish desire for superiority any more than for free candy.
How Exile Stinks Less and the Future Is Worth the Wait
The people of Israel had every opportunity to never leave the Promised Land. Trust God, Obey God, Live in the Land. That summarizes the terms for staying in the paradise of Canaan land. But they couldn't do it.
For Your Souls
You are wrestling with something that is time-consuming, emotionally draining and is a mountain of unknown right now. You have few to no options in how to go forward. You're praying for some daylight to shine on your soul so that you can get up tomorrow and keep going. Your power is exhausted...
Does it Fit?
Just like that awesome pair of pants you wore throughout high school and college, they don't fit anymore. How we once dealt with our relationships is like a worn-out, ill-fitting pair of pants. Now clothed in Jesus, we bear his "logo," representing his humility and care for one another.
The Sword Cuts Deep
Last Sunday, we looked at Ephesians 4-5:21. Central to that text is the Truth spoken in Love. But it is Truth spoken to callous, dead hearts and minds that come from darkness into light (2:1, 4:19, 5:8). It is the Word of Truth spoken that brought us to life by God's grace. Life is found in the continual gospel piercing of the fat of our hearts and callousness of our minds.
Inner Strengthening
Have you ever considered your spiritual walk with Jesus as being essentially connected to God's glory in the church? On Sunday, we saw how God uses dead materials and makes them alive, uniting them by Jesus' blood into a structure that beholds his wisdom to the heavenly beings. His Church, by his Grace, is His Glory revealed.
Remembering Death
In our text this week, Ephesians 2-3 will have us look backward to death rather than forward. Christians are people who were once dead but are made alive. New creatures are defined by their alive-ness because what they were is defined by their dead-ness.
The Home's Foundation
If you've ever visited the Gulf Coast of the southern United States where a hurricane has come through, you will see empty spaces where large condominiums and homes once stood, but right at ground level there is a flat cement foundation. The building above could not withstand the hurricane winds, but the foundation survived!
Thriving in Ten Years
What would need to happen this year to see RIC thriving in ten years? As elders, we take very seriously Paul's charge to the Ephesian elders. Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. Acts 20:28.
Christian Community: 9 Practices
Over the summer, we have looked at nine different practices of the Christian Community found in Scripture. I sincerely hope you've been able to look up the Scripture passages and answer the application questions. More than anything, I hope you have gone and done them, putting them into practice in our Christian community.
Christian Community: Part 9
How does our community serve one another's interest? What do you find particularly challenging about serving another's interest?
Christian Community: Part 8
How does our community practice forgiveness and reconciliation between one another? How are you or could you practice forgiveness and reconciliation with your church family?
Christian Community: Part 7
How does our community serve one another through accountability? How are you or could you remain accountable to your church family?
Christian Community: Part 6
How does our community share one another's beliefs, thinking, and spirituality? How do you share your beliefs, thinking, and spirituality with your church family? Can you think of ways to put these passages into practice during the week?