Advent Assurance

Advent Assurance

In the most recent installment of Spider-Man, Into the Spider-verse, we learn of what are called canon events in the life of Spiderman. These core events make Spiderman who he is in every Universe—losing his uncle Ben, for example. Rarely do you hear a word like "canon" referenced in a pop culture movie, so this caught my attention. In the church, we use the word "canon" to describe the core books included in the Bible that Christians have agreed are essentially the Word of God, divinely revealing God the Father by the Spirit through human writers.

In the gospel of John, he describes three "canon" events that reveal to us God the Son as the true light of God the Father—the life-giver, through whom all things are made and are sustained.

  • The first canon event is in creation. God the Father reveals himself in creation by vocally shining the Light (John 1:1-5; cf. Genesis 1:3).

  • The second canon event is in the revelation of the Light in the flesh, Jesus of Nazareth, born of a virgin (John 1:12-14)

  • The third canon event John records is the living Jesus emerging from the dead as the light and life of men. This resurrected Jesus enters into the presence of his disciples through locked doors on two occasions. (John 20-19-29)

God is so gloriously beautiful and immensely desirable that he knows his revelation is what will make every heart sing with joyful adoration. He shares himself with us, his image-bearers. The self-centered pop singer blatantly admits, "Every time I close my eyes, I see my name in shining lights." You and I were designed to open our eyes and behold the glorious revelation of the Light of God in the Light of the Son. Each Light-shining canon event reveals our God's power to enter the darkness, the nothingness, the indifference, fear, and even the pain of death to make himself known.

Praise God that the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

The advent of God's light is also our assurance of salvation.

  • Has the light of the gospel of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shone in your heart? (2 Cor 4:6)

  • Do you have a love for the light and a hatred for the dark? (John 3:19)

  • Can you say that your belief in Jesus is ultimately because God did the work of bringing you to a new life in Jesus?

If you answered yes, then the Advent of Jesus is something you can celebrate deeply and fully this Christmas.

Celebrating our assurance in Jesus with you,


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