Does it Fit?
Does It Fit?
I was not born with the natural ability to match my clothes. What I know about wearing colors, matching shoes with belts, and things like that I have learned along the way. My wife can testify to how far I've come in my wardrobe selection abilities. Reading the Bible is not too different. God's Word connects and complements itself. One book of the Bible is related to another. One text is related to another. It is a coordination of truths meant to lead us to a significant relationship with the Designer.
On Sunday, we looked at Ephesians 5:21-33 and considered what it means to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. We said the overall command applies to the marriage, parent-child, and master-bondservant relationship. One way to go deeper with this text is by comparing it with another. How about this text?
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Here, the overall command is to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus. Paul then applies this to marriages, parenting, and professional relationships (Col 3:18-4:1). The right outfit for the right activity. Wives, if you are in Jesus, wearing his righteousness by the grace of the Father, humble submission is the "fitting" approach. Husbands in Jesus, speak and act toward your wives as Jesus has treated you. He has and never will treat you harshly because that does not "fit" him, so it doesn't "fit" you.
Just like that awesome pair of pants you wore throughout high school and college, they don't fit anymore. How we once dealt with our relationships is like a worn-out, ill-fitting pair of pants. Now clothed in Jesus, we bear his "logo," representing his humility and care for one another. Similarly, you can apply these truths to parenting and professional relationships.
As a community in Jesus, may we "wear" his righteousness in all that we do with everyone he has placed in our lives, beginning with the household of God.
Making home together,