Just As You Are Doing

Just As You Are Doing

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:11

This past weekend, I had a front-row seat watching Christians encourage and build one another up in the Lord.

Three couples came from Jackson, TN, to lead our marriage conference. Each one showed tremendous care for us as they led us into God's design for marriage, his purpose in the design of male and female roles, and his best for how we interact and relate with one another. The comments and reactions since then have confirmed how important and valuable was the conference content. I, too, received love and care from the speakers in the days leading up to the conference, which only solidified my confidence that the Lord had sent the right people to minister to the marriages in our community. Behind the scenes were hours of preplanning and coordinating by Rocio, our RIC administrator. Throughout the process, the church is gaining a reputation as an active gospel community that genuinely cares for the health of families.

Thank you, Conference Team!

As couples participated in the marriage conference, a valiant team of volunteers served the children of these couples. Suzanne Rhodes and her childcare warriors cared tirelessly for an army of children ages two and up. Although there were many tired faces, I enjoyed hearing how enjoyable the experience was for the volunteers and the children.

As believers cared for one another, a couple joined us this past week from Chicago on an exploratory trip. Alaina and I were blessed to spend many hours with them in conversation. This was an encouraging and uplifting time together. He even graciously preached the Word to us on Sunday. Pray for Bryan and Nicole as they consider whether the Lord may be calling them to serve in Rome as part of our church body.

Sunday evening, I was moved as I heard story after story of how significant RIC has been in the lives of those participating in this discipling community. The Lord is working through you to build one another up. Thank you for being part of that work. May the Lord continue to draw you to himself and his refining work in the community of believers. May you be encouraged and built up, just as in fact you are doing.

Together with you,


The Glory of the Word: The Glory of Christmas


The Picture of Marriage