Establish, Strengthen, Multiply


Strengthen, Multiply.

Looking down the road of a new year, I am always tempted to begin a new endeavor.  It could be a work out routine, reading list, hobby, or skill.  But at the begging of this year, I have been challenged to think about the presence and ministry of RIC in the context of what God has been doing, is doing and will do in this city.  After all, RIC is not the first to preach the gospel, love the Bible, gather believers for fellowship and discipleship, and organize activities.

In what ways can we see God establishing his church, strengthening his church, and multiplying his church in Rome?

Now, how do we participate in and promote what is doing?

Like I said, this is hard for me.  I'd rather come up with a brand new idea, herald the cause, charge forward and forge a new path, and sometimes there's warrant for such an approach.  However, as I've observed, and hopefully will be able to share over the next few weeks, God has been working in Rome, is working and will continue to work here before us, with us, and after us.

As I have been praying for RIC over the past few weeks, these are the three words that I've landed on.

Establish, Strengthen, Multiply

Over the next three weeks I'll draw out the Biblical theme of each of these words as they relate to the purpose of RIC.  For now, I want to give you this passage to ponder:

6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 

Colossians 2:6–7

Next week, we'll talk about establishment.  Just some questions to get us thinking...

  • What is the foundation God is laying in Rome for his church?

  • How do we understand and rely on that firm foundation as a new and budding church?

  • How do we as individuals participate in that foundation?

Rome International Church