Established and Strengthened

Established &

Strengthened in the Word

This is my prayer going into 2022, that the Lord would further establish his foundation in this city and strengthen his church.  How do we participate in what he would do here?  Well, we'll talk about that over the coming weeks, but for now, I believe the first and best place to begin is by establishing a pattern of immersion in God's Word.

Read the Word

...but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. - Psalm 1:2
This is the reading plan I will be following this year.  Thanks to Tim Challies for recommending this one.  It is a 5-day plan rather than a read-every-day plan.  This gives us a breather for when we get behind periodically.  The reading schedule is dynamic, which means, for example, not straight through cover to cover, but lays out a chronology while mixing Psalms and Gospels throughout the year.  I can't think of a better way for God's people to be together listening to and thinking about the things of God than to be following a reading plan together.  If nothing else, it always gives you a natural subject to talk about when you're together.

Download it Here
Or visit their website

Know the Word
Having the Word of God fixed in your mind and heart is crucial to our walk with Jesus.  We look at a Fighter Verse every week in church, but you may want to have the calendar of verses handy in your home.  So here is the Set List for 2022!  Memorize as a family, with a friend, or as you go to sleep at night.  What better way to engage in the good fight of faith than by hiding the Word of God in our hearts (Psalm 119:11)?

Happy New Year!

Rome International Church