

He is Our Firm Foundation

21 He set up the pillars at the vestibule of the temple. He set up the pillar on the south and called its name Jachin, and he set up the pillar on the north and called its name Boaz.

1 Kings 7:21

There are no physical features of my home that have names.  Are there any in your home?  Maybe a rug at the front door called Matt and a kitchen faucet named Phil?  Why would Solomon give names to the two pillars at the front of the temple?

Well, Jachin means, "He will establish".  This pillar was representative of God's fulfillment of his promises to Abraham.  The children of Abraham have become a great nation, God has given them land and dominion and a throne which will never lack a man to sit on it.  When Solomon sets up this pillar, he is saying, "God's word has been fulfilled, he has done what he said he will do."  But, if you know the rest of the story, those pillars eventually get taken knocked over and broken to pieces.  Obviously, not all that God intended in his promises had yet come to pass.

The Word of God is our firm foundation as well.  He has made some incredibly great promises that we hang onto today.  Here are just a few:

  • He will never leave us nor forsake us.

  • His Spirit is a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.

  • Confess your sins to the Lord and he is faithful and just to forgive your sins.

  • I am with you until the end of the age.

  • He who endures to the end will receive the crown of life.

How do we know that God will make good on these promises? Is it because our meeting space has two white pillars in the middle of the room? Maybe we should name them and decorate them with pomegranates? Could be nice, but I don't think that's what God wants us to look at to remind us of his faithfulness. No, we have another Jachin, a living Jachin! A Jachin that could not be knocked down and turned to rubble.

Jesus Christ, the son of God is our Jachin. He has established his authority over sin and death and by rising from the dead has sealed for all eternity those who are his, his church.

How do we, as a church, live in and live out this foundational truth? By turning to the Word of God as central to all we do. It is God's special revelation concerning his Son. By the Spirit of God he teaches us the truth about Jesus and describes what our joyful response of obedience looks like.

Jesus is our foundation and root for our stability and strength through truth taught resulting in thanksgiving

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. 

Col 2:6–7.

  • Have you found a Bible reading plan? Here's the one we're using this year.

  • What's God teaching you through his Word this week?

  • How does God's Word bring assurance to your life?

Love you guys,

Rome International Church