

Are we strengthened?

21 He set up the pillars at the vestibule of the temple. He set up the pillar on the south and called its name Jachin, and he set up the pillar on the north and called its name Boaz.

1 Kings 7:21

"Boaz" carries the idea of strength or to strengthen at is root.  Solomon names the second pillar of the Lord's temple "Boaz".  Both Solomon's desire and God's promise is to bring strength to his Name, which his people bear as a witness to nations around them.  May God be known among his people and to the surrounding nations for his character of righteousness and mercy!

In this day and age, the righteousness and mercy of God are seen in his Word going forward into the world.  This looks and sounds like the church bearing the good news of Jesus.  Jesus, the Son of God, has lived a perfect life, died and sinners death, and raised to life.  The eternal life of God is now offered to all those who have merited, earned eternal death.  That message is the strengthening herald of the church.  The church is the evidence of the strengthening of God's Name among the nations.  The is people, who have trusted in the power of Jesus to save them.  They have submitted to him as their Lord and Savior.  He is transforming them into his spotless and beautiful bride more each day.

How does strengthening happen?

When the Word of God is preached, spoken and shared with those who have not heard.  Where the good news is being believed and shared, God leads hearers to find him and his people.  This is the central theme of the book of Acts.  It is the heart beat of the New Testament and it is us, RIC today.

Days like today remind me that God is faithful to his Word.  When I get to share the simple truth of God's love freely given through his Son to sinners deserving of death, my faith is strengthened.  My love for him is strengthened.  My awe and fear of God grows.

I pray for each of you, that you too would be strengthened in faith in Jesus as you gladly share the gospel with others.

Love you guys,

Rome International Church