Four Characteristics of an RIC Member
Four Characteristics
of an RIC Member
When I think about a maturing member of Rome International Church, they have these characteristics about them:
Humility: (Philippians 2:3-11). In light of Christ's humility to take on flesh and walk the earth as a man and his humility to serve sinners by dying on the cross in their stead, we are humble people. Many of us are foreigners residing in Rome and Christians who are making a temporary home in this world. Therefore, humility must define us. We are learners, knowing we are figuring out how God would have us live here. Disciples of Jesus are humble because they are constantly watching the Master in order to learn how they ought to think, feel, speak, and act. An RIC member is humble.
Hospitality: (Romans 15:7) Many of us are foreigners in a host country who acutely experience the gift of (or lack of) hospitality. As sinners, having been so graciously provided for and protected by the grace of God, we know what selfless hospitality looks like. It was before we were cleansed of our sin that the Spirit brought us to the Father through the death of Jesus. So, we open our homes and our lives to one another, knowing that we will see others and be seen by others as sinners, yet saved by grace. An RIC member is hospitable.
Unity: (Ephesians 4:1-6) Since God has not shown favorites but has extended his gospel to all people, we too are not stingy with his love but gladly unite with one another in the covenant love of God. At RIC, the most unlikely people enter into the strongest commitment of unity by the supernatural love of God. An RIC member is united with his RIC family by Christ's love.
Service: (Ephesians 2:10) Knowing our righteous deeds are as dirty rags before a holy God (Isaiah 64:6), we rest on the work of Jesus as sufficient for our salvation. Yet, out of his work, we are compelled like a rock out of a slingshot toward love and good deeds (2 Corinthians 5:14). Christ has so served us that we seek to serve others. An RIC member has a servant's heart.
May each of us grow in our love and understanding of the gospel so that these characteristics may become more and more true of us.
Maturing with you,