Faithfulness in Absence
Faithfulness in Absence
“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel”
Paul is not with the Philippians, but he was with them at one time. He shared the gospel with them, and many came to faith (Lydia, the Jailer, and his household). He hopes to see them again, but even in his absence, he hopes to hear how they remain firmly rooted in their faith in Jesus Christ. The outworking, visible stability is seen in their striving as one spirit and one mind, side by side, for the faith of the gospel.
My family and I are on our way to the US to visit family and friends, many of whom support RIC's work. We'll give periodic updates throughout the summer, but there won't be a weekly church address. Although I love our Sunday morning format, I am most hopeful that you, the body that gathers at Via Bruno Serotini 61, will strive side by side for the faith of the gospel. Take time to be with one another, pray for one another, and open the Word together. Continue supporting your church and gather for the preaching of the Word.
When I return, I have every reason to believe that the Lord will keep you and grow you as you continue in him rooted and built up in Christ. We will miss you all dearly.
Your Pastor,