The Stories
The Stories
As we eagerly await our church retreat, we can't help but anticipate the best parts-the stories. These narratives, shared from the pulpit, around the fire, and in our hearts, will be cherished for years to come. Who knows what delightful tales we'll be recounting in the future?
How about those stories from the early days of the church? Our Bible reading has us in the early chapters of Acts these days. Those stories are still being told.
Jesus ascending into heaven.
The Spirit descending on the believers.
The sermons preached.
Thousands coming to faith in Jesus.
Peter and John healing a lame man.
What most believers today are drawn to is the community. The early believers are hospitable, sharing their possessions, praying, and dedicating themselves to the apostles' teachings. Last year, we, the Holland family, received, by far, the greatest care. That is what this weekend is about diving into the Word together and moving immediately into practice. Most of the year, we are separated by schedules, traffic, work, school, illnesses, and general exhaustion. So, I thank the Lord for this opportunity to be with you and rest.
May the Lord write a wonderful story of how RIC was nourished in the Word and how we practiced caring for one another.