Resources to Grow in Our Knowledge of Jesus
Resources to Grow
in Our Knowledge of Jesus
Where would you go to find __________?
Last Sunday morning at 9:00, we enjoyed the first meeting of our Foundations Class! I can't tell you how excited I am to see people giving dedicated time to knowing God's Word. Growing in our knowledge and the grace of Jesus is a life-long journey meant to be done as a community. If you are not already getting together with someone to study the Bible, there is plenty of room to join us on Sundays at 9:00.
During our meeting, Larry Harrison brought out some books as examples of where to learn more about the Bible. Here are a few things mentioned, and I'll add a few others, all of which can be found in our church library:
The Bible: This may seem obvious, but it tells us much about itself.
A Study Bible: These give in-depth insight into the overall content of the Bible, individual books, and verses. I know the ESV Study Bible also contains helpful articles that take large, even complex, ideas and boil them down to the essential starting points for understanding the bible's theology, archeology, history, original languages, translation, and much more.
Introduction to Old and New Testaments: Two books on the church library shelf contain Introductions to the different books of the Bible. They take you deeper into these books' history, background, scholarly discussions, and content.
Expositions and Commentaries: These will drill deep into a verse-by-verse study of a book of the Bible. Be careful; not every commentary or exposition is created with the same emphasis on the gospel. Our church shelf contains a few commentaries and expositions that are gospel-centered and faithful to God's intended purposes. Others may merely emphasize the bible as a history book; some see it as only mythical literature.
Dictionaries: Like any good research you did in fourth grade, having a dictionary helps explain many new ideas. The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology is very helpful. I also use the Concise dictionary of evangelical theology, which can be found on our shelves.
Please feel free to stop by the church to study the Bible or use any of the resources on the shelves. Like Larry said on Sunday, "There is no excuse not to know what the Bible says these days." May we give ourselves to knowing God's Word for our enjoyment of him and to give him glory.
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
In the Word with you,