Who Have You Been Talking To?
The news sources we read can affect how we talk about current events. The blogs, forums, and accounts we follow inform our worldview. The producers of today's content wouldn't be called "influencers" if they didn't influence us.
Have you ever had a friend say something so surprising that you asked, "Who have you been talking to?" Somehow the friend knows a secret or has gained a perspective that sounds like someone or something other than themselves. I want to encourage such moments in our lives if the influence on us is because of God's Word.
In our Bible reading this week, we read Hebrews 1:2:
This week our Bible reading plan also had us in Exodus 34:29, which says this...
The glory of God had a physical effect on Moses when he spoke with God. Today, Jesus, the Son of God, is speaking to us. He is the radiance of the glory of God. Do you think time spent with Jesus and listening to the Word of God could still have a physical effect?
Who have you been talking to? Because it will show in your attitude, words, and actions.
At RIC, you will meet some wonderful people with whom you likely have a lot in common, even if you come from different parts of the planet. But you will also meet people so different from you that you may wonder how you ended up in the same building! But, the revealed Word of God is what draws us together. It builds us up and unites us in the mission of Christ to tell others about him.
This week, I pray that you will be asked, "Who have you been talking to?" Then, having been in his Word, you can say, "Jesus."
Listening with you,