Happy Birthday, RIC!

Happy Birthday:

RIC is 8 years old!

Rome International Church held its first service eight years ago this week. The church was planted and led by pastor Brian Kirby who had recently moved from Paris, France, where he had pastored Emmanuel International Church for many years. We are so grateful for the Lord's sustaining hand in fulfilling his promise to build his church.

Here's one way we saw him fulfill that promise in those days:

The diplomatic assignment of pastor Kirby's wife brought them to Rome. So, they only had a few years to get the church started before she would be assigned elsewhere. As the church was being planted, they began looking and praying for a new pastor.

Eight years ago this week, Alaina and I were fasting and praying about our next steps as my time in seminary was coming to a close. That week, the Lord answered our prayers by leading us to the International Baptist Convention (IBC). They were actively recruiting church planters for English-language churches in global cities. Days later, the IBC told me about Rome International Church and their need for a pastor/planter to continue the work in Rome. By God's grace and according to his promise, a year and a half later, we arrived in Rome the day before Brian Kirby and his family departed.

Since then, year after year, we have trusted and seen God faithfully honor his promise to build his church. I'll admit pastoring, and leading has been challenging. I've even had moments when I doubted the Lord wanted this church to continue, BUT he never did! He has done all things well, and we have no reason to think that he will not continue to be the God he promised to be for his church until Jesus returns.

Thank you for going with me on this journey! It is my joy to grow with you in our love for this church and our love of God.

Soli Deo Gloria,



The Fundamentals


Truth to Task