Truth to Task
to Task
For the past two Sundays, we have been journeying together in the book of Titus. God's grace has led us to "put what remained into order" (Titus 1:5). That has meant appointing two men as elders according to the qualifications seen in Titus 1:5-9. Last Sunday, we looked at the importance of healthy doctrine for a healthy faith in Jesus Christ.
As a church, I want each of us to consider how we might further study the word together. So the elders would like to propose an idea:
A Foundations Class that would meet Sunday mornings before the service. This class would cover the fundamentals of the Scriptures, Jesus, and what we believe as Christians.
God's grace given to sinful man in the person of Jesus Christ is the essential center of the gospel. However, as we'll discover this coming Sunday, that isn't the end of the gospel. The gospel is true, but the truth leads to action. I have a 'thing' for alliterations, so let's say: Truth leads to Task.
“...’knowledge’ puffs up, but love builds up. ”
If we stop at the knowledge of the fact, we risk constipating God's work in us. Plenty of bible scholars never go beyond a knowledge of the Scripture to a surrendered belief in the personal love of their loving Maker. Only glance through the letter of 1 John, and you'll see that the truth of the gospel leads to the task of loving one another. They are inseparable.
This Sunday, we will consider discipleship in light of healthy doctrine. May the Lord lead us beyond knowledge to live lives of Christ-like love for one another. Truth leading to the task of love is a sure way for our spiritual growth together if the Lord wills.
On the journey with you,