The First Times
The First Times
When you read about the newborn church in Acts, there are so many firsts. Some really amazing moments like:
the pouring out of the Spirit on the believers in Acts 2.
the first gospel sermon from Peter
the first 3000 baptisms!
The first seven 'deacons' chosen to serve in Acts 6
There were some hard firsts that came with them though:
Stephen the first martyr in Acts 7
The first dispersion of the believers in Acts 8 due to the persecution that followed Stephen's death.
Even still, Acts tells us that the Word of God continued to spread (Acts 6:7; 12:24). As if alive and on a mission, it could not be stopped.
The first non-Jews hear the gospel and believe as the Holy Spirit is poured out on them. (Acts 10)
The first missionaries are commissioned: Paul and Barnabas are sent by the church in Antioch (Acts 13)
The first believers in Jesus come to faith through the preaching of the gospel in cities across the Roman empire.
The Word of God has not stopped creating "firsts"? It is always making new disciples, new creatures in Christ (2 Cor 5:17). It is carried everywhere by those who have experienced first hand, faith in the truth of the gospel. This continues to be what makes life in the local church exciting. Who will come to faith in Jesus next? Who will I share the gospel with that will hear it for the first time? As the Word of God moves, so we expect 'firsts' to keep happening.
With this expectation, we envision Rome International Church to see a lot of firsts. One of those firsts may be at our front door. We may have the opportunity to welcome our first church planter in residence in the coming weeks. This individual would serve RIC as an associate pastor while in a learning role while we, as a church, prayerfully consider if, when and where the Lord may have us launch another church plant. If it is the Lord's will, this will be our first time to try anything like this.
Would you... in prayer for our members? Members hold the responsibility and privilege of voting on decisions of pastoral personnel. May they be unified and lovingly candid through the process. in prayer for wisdom? Many details, financial, practical and spiritual must be considered and entrusted to the Lord. in prayer for our candidate? That he would have wisdom and peace as we all seek the Lord during this time?
It may be that the Lord says, "no", but the unity itself that we can enjoy in Jesus through the process will be worth it.
Thank you for being with us in this "first".
Together for the Kingdom,