A People of Prayer
A People
of Prayer
Everyone would nod their heads in agreement at the importance of prayer in the life of a church. In fact, all of the stories I have heard and read about that describe a vibrant, gospel-centered, gospel-spreading church have prayer as crucial to their activity together.
We see David submitting to the Lord in prayer before making what may seem like an obvious decision. One time, while David was away fighting, a band of marauders stole his wives and the families of his six hundred men. Rather than immediately chasing after them, he stopped and asked the Lord, "Shall I pursue them?" To which the Lord said "Yes." Just before this prayer, his men blamed him for this tragedy and were ready to stone him. In the face of mutiny, it says, "But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God." (1 Samuel 30:6)
RIC is a fun place to be these days I could not be more excited about what God is doing in the life of this church. Although it is unlikely that marauders are around the corner, I do know that we rest between enemies and a mission. Satan, sin within and sin outside are all adversaries to living righteous lives on the mission to make disciples of Jesus. Praise God that he doesn't expect us to fight the enemy, nor accomplish his mission without his ever-present power and presence. When we actively rely on him both for defense and offense, this is most vividly expressed in prayer.
It has been by the grace of God that the church we enjoy today is the answer to many years of prayer. But what about the church of the years to come? Who will pray for that church? Who will pray that it will be filled with sinners turned saints through the spread of the gospel? Who will pray for transformed lives once buried in sin, but set free by Jesus blood? Who will pray for a spiritual home that will welcome the transient international in the years to come?
How about us?
This Sunday, we are going to begin a pattern of prayer. We'll have church at the same time and do much of the same things, but we are going to give prayer a more prominent place in our gathering. No one should be surprised that we are praying at church, but if you need to warn your neighbor who will join you this Sunday, go right ahead.
We will strive always to be people of the Word who pray.
Together for the Kingdom,