

How it happens

Multiplication is promised by God. His people pray for it and pursue it. The book of Acts describes that multiplication when it says, “the Word of God spread”. In fact, the church is the intersection of God leading people to himself and they being introduced to Jesus. But, unlike two lines on a graph, it is alive! Living hands, feet and mouths that glorify God and do the good that Jesus teaches by the enabling Spirit of God. In other words, loving God and loving others. Although found all over the world, the church is always grounded on and upholds the truth of Jesus. As Paul describes the church, it is a pillar and buttress of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15). This living intersection, founded on truth, is a multiplying one. Jesus' instructions to his followers in Matthew 28:19-20 is clear…make disciples. Although this is a command to go out and tell, it is also something that happens in a gathered body of believers through their regular gospel proclamation.

When we invite someone to church, my hope is that we would consider first and foremost whether they will hear the truth of Jesus Christ and his gift of eternal life. At the same time, I hope that they would experience the difference that the gospel has made through the welcoming love of the followers of Jesus.

Where the gospel is being proclaimed, God may draw anyone to himself. One of the most beautiful descriptions in the Bible of a gathering of Christians in worship is found in 1 Corinthians 14:25. When an unbeliever or outsider enters the midst of a congregation that is proclaiming the truth of the gospel, God’s mighty works which culminate in the crescendo of his son, Jesus, this is what happens…
…the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.

This means that one way Jesus makes more followers, more believers, is through the gathered church that corporately proclaims and displays the gospel! More specifically, when Jesus’ church gathers and proclaims the holiness of God, the desperate state of sinful man, the salvation we have through Jesus’ death and resurrection, and walks by the Spirit in glorious new life, God introduces unbelievers to himself.

Would you join me in praying that Jesus would multiply disciples of Jesus through the church that gathers at Via Bruno Serotini 61 in Rome, Italy on Sundays at 10:30am, Eastern European Time?

A few questions to consider:

  • How would being a part of a local, gospel-proclaiming church help you share the gospel with unbelievers in your work, school, etc.?

  • When you consider whether to invite someone to church, what do you tend to consider first?

  • How has/does the local church played a role in your own faith in Jesus?

  • Who do you know that seems to be very comfortable talking about the gospel and sharing it with others? What would it look like to ask them if, together, you might grow in your knowledge and ability to share the gospel?

Love you guys,


Moving Forward as a Disciple-Multiplying Church


Attend to Your Soul