Christian Community: Part 2

Christian Community: Part 2

Affirming One Another’s Equal Importance in Christ

First, what is the Christian community?

  1. The people of God - are created by faith through his gospel.  A Christian community consists of those who have repented and believed and have a shared experience of the gospel, a message of God's grace to sinners through his Son, Jesus.

  2. The body of Christ - those who are members of one another, united in his eternal life.  A Christian community consists of people who deliberately share life.

  3. The fellowship of the Spirit -  A Christian Spirit-filled community is an alternative society that models distinctive ways to do everything in life—a present, living model of his future.

Practice 2 - affirming one another’s equal importance in Christ

  • Romans 15:7

  • 1 Corinthians 12:25

  • 1 Peter 5:5

  • James 2:1

Does our community "welcome one another" well?  How have you seen "care for one another" happen?  Can you think of a way to put these passages into practice during the week?

Together in this Christ community with you,
