Christ the Savior is Born!

I fully recognize that I've made a slightly cheesy graphic above.  Can I explain?  It was a star that led foreign magi to seek the King in Matthew 2:2,9.  Jesus describes his church as a city on a hill that cannot be hidden.  The light of the visible gospel, displayed in the community of believers and proclaimed to the world, cannot be hidden.  It draws people; diverse people; sometimes even kings!  May Rome International Church continue to draw the nations to Jesus, the good news of eternal life.  Whether you celebrate Christmas with loads of sugar, presents, and traditions, or avoid the commercialism and bemoan the misplaced priorities, I pray that that the good news of the Savior born for sinful man would be your peace and joy in this season.

Merry Christmas!


Time + Together + Bible = Discipleship


Overwhelmed: Christmas Chaos