God’s Gift of Wisdom
God’s Gift of Wisdom
Wisdom from Above: Part 2
If you could ask for it, what would be the 'perfect' gift?
Earlier in James (1:17), he says that "every good gift and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights..." As we look at our wisdom section in James and ask God for wisdom in our daily discernment of his will and wisdom for godly living, it's important to know that godly wisdom is a gift.
In the Christmas film Turbo Man, Arnold Schwarzenegger is desperately searching for a toy for his son. The toy is so popular that there is such a limit number of Turbo Men left in his city that he goes to great lengths to procure one, even bargaining with a crime syndicate of fake Santa Clauses. After paying hundreds of dollars for a plastic action figure, he quickly discovers the reality... The voice box is in another language and the action figure falls to pieces immediately. What a disappointment!
James 3:15
Sometimes we open a 'box of wisdom' that we think is from God only to find out we've been deceived. Often this looks like reliance on what we've determined is a sign of confirmation. This could be a good feeling, a random comment heard, maybe a dream, a prophecy (Deut. 13) or even a message from an angel (Galatians 1:8). James 3:15 says that wisdom that is false to the truth and ultimately centered on ourselves (or simply not rooted in the truth of Jesus) is "earthly, unspiritual, demonic." Demonic!? That’s right, Scripture gives no other alternative to godly wisdom.
Demonic Wisdom
Jesus accuses the religious leaders of his day of being "children of their father, the devil, and that their will is to do their father's desires." Then he says this about the devil, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him....He is a liar and the father of lies." John 8:44. The work of the Enemy is consistent, even predictable. Jesus later says of him, "He comes only to steal and kill and destroy" John 10:10.
Source of Godly Wisdom
Godly wisdom is a wisdom rooted in and consistent with truth. No where has God made more plain his wisdom and will for his people than in his Word. This is where we find guidance (Ps 143:8) and good, godly growth (John 17:17). Handling the word rightly (2 Tim 2:15) and submitting to its revealed way of living is something that takes the Spirit of God and humble meditation and practice of its teachings (Phil. 4:8, 2 Tim 2:7).
As believers we must become creatures of the Word of God; immersed, saturated, submitted and obedient to it. This is why every Christian must be regularly reading and studying the Bible alongside other Christians. Join a church that is centered on the Scriptures. Find another believer who will read the text and obey the text with you. At RIC, when this is our primary pursuit, we will lay a foundation that is firm and see God build a beautiful church made with rich materials (1 Corinthians 3:10). And a harvest of righteousness will be ours to enjoy (James 3:18).
Together with you in the pursuit of godly wisdom,
{For further reading on demonic influence that contradicts truth in the lives of God's people, check out these verses: 1 Kings 22:22; Mark 4:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:9, 10; 1 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 2:24}